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Michael's Story

Michael is a 12 year old boy that came to us because of the issues related to the long-standing history of learning difficulties and ADHD. This is what Michael's grandmother shared with us after he completed the core program at the Centre:

The listening training program is one of the best investments we have made in Michael’s development. While we saw changes in him when he was going through the program it has also been impressive to see how the effects of the listening have grown and sustained themselves over time.

 The program woke him up. Michael became more alive and happier. He is more willing to try and he tries harder. His ability to read has improved as has his coordination.  Because of his improved abilities and much higher confidence in himself we see a big difference in the quality of Michael’s life.

 Our only wish is that he could have done the program when he was younger.


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"Now I see that my son has many options open to him!"

Before we came to see you we were very concerned for his future.  Now I see that he has many options open to him.

Read the full testimonial

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